Mama's Lamb Recipes

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    Results 1-13 of 13
Recipe Description | Source Rating
Description: Grilled w/ a rub
Source: mama
Description: The path to perfect pork chops: start with a chop an inch thick, trimmed of fat. Glaze and briefly cook the pork. It only takes 12 minutes of direct and indirect heat to turn plain pork chops into a grilled meal with intense flavor. Serve these tasty chops
Source: Cuisine at Home
Description: Perfect alone or add grilled shrimp or grilled chicken
Source: 2018
Description: The uniform thickness of a butterflied leg of lamb makes it extremely simple to cook and serve. Have rolled and boned legs butterflied by the butcher.
Source: Gourmet, 2006
Description: A great grill recipe
Source: Calphalon Cooking School
Description: Family favorite
Source: mamarezza
Description: Good substitute for beef meatballs
Source: Cook's Magazine - September 2016
Description: Delicious summer fare
Source: Ina
Description: Grilled lamb
Source: Emeril Legasse
Description: Easiest BBQ sauce & very very good
Source: I Hate to Cook Book
Description: Lamb Ragu over pasta
Source: Trattoria Cooking- Biba
Description: A classic English dish.
Source: Food Network
Description: Delicious
Source: Alton Brown
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