Mama's Drinks - Non-Alcoholic Recipes

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    Results 1-18 of 18
Recipe Description | Source Rating
Description: Very New England!
Source: mamarezza
Description: Start the day off right
Source: Simple Green Smoothies
Description: Yummy
Source: Mamarezza
Description: Very good. 10g fiber; 6g protein
Source: SimplyNature
Description: A great tasting morning breakfast shake!
Source: mamarezza
Description: Refreshing summer drink
Source: Disney World
Description: Excellent; tastes like peanut butter
Source: The baker
Description: Quick, easy. Full of combinations to try!
Source: Green Smoothie Magic
Description: Super high calories: 1200 Cal
Source: Online
Description: 3 Smart points!
Source: Hungrygirl
Description: Perfect
Source: Cathy Hibberd
Description: Protein filled drink
Source: Simple Green Smoothies
Description: Full of good stuff!
Source: Simple Green Smoothies
Description: Makes the most of summer's blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries, etc.
Source: Chef David Guas
Description: Nice for a crowd;
Source: Mamarezza
Description: southern staple
Source: Southern Living
Description: Nice for breakfast
Source: The Domestic Geek
Description: A delicious berry-filled smoothie
Source: mamarezza
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    Results 1-18 of 18