Mama's Cakes Recipes

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    Results 55-70 of 70
Recipe Description | Source Rating
Description: Easy and a real winner!
Source: Liz Henderson
Description: Plum crumb cake
Source: Mom
Description: Delicious!
Source: Good Housekeeping Cookbook
Description: Bake in a loaf pan
Source: Mamarezza
Description: Deeelicious!
Source: Pillsbury 2016
Description: Pretty and good for portion control
Source: mamarezza
Description: Quick breakfast
Source: mamarezza
Description: Easy an delicious
Source: Real Simple
Description: Easy and delicious
Source: Real Simple
Description: It's perfect!
Source: Mamarezza
Description: Great for a small family
Source: The Rustc Kitchen
Description: Quick and easy
Source: Mom-Mom
Description: Uses one pan & is delicious and easy! Dress up with ice cream & chocolate sauce garnished with almond slices & raspberries.
Source: Entertaining with Beth
Description: February 1970
Source: Karen Coop
Description: Lovely bundt cake
Source: Mamarezza
Description: Yummy; godd use for all that extra zucchini
Source: Jane Lorber
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    Results 55-70 of 70