Mama's Japanese Recipes

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    Results 1-13 of 13
Recipe Description | Source Rating
Description: colorful
Source: Daimatsu, Mountside
Description: Tastes just like the rolls but easier!
Source: WonkyWonderful 2017
Description: Dressing
Source: Food & Wine
Description: Upscale Colorful Sushi
Source: Daimatsu, Mountainside
Description: Chicken
Source: Mama
Description: Yum
Source: Yummly
Description: Can substitute parsley for cilantro.
Source: Emeril Live
Description: Tuna would work well in this recipe as well.
Source: Bon Appetit - October 2001
Description: Yummy Japanese comfort food
Description: Individual portions
Source: Skinnytaste- 12/27/17
Description: Upscale appetizer
Source: Daimatsu, Moutainside
Description: Japanese appetizer
Source: Daimatsu, Mountainside
Description: Excellent on salmon
Source: Gourmet
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